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Office # 108-110, Eden Center
Client Name
World Bank Planning & Development Department, (P&D Department) Balochistan Livelihood Entrepreneurship Project, (BLEP) Government of Balochistan
Project Title
Research Study on Private Sector Development Strategy in Balochistan.
Description of the Project
Undertook a research-centered approach to formulating a strategic roadmap for Private Sector Development (PSD) in the dynamic landscape of Balochistan. This comprehensive project, executed on behalf of our client, aimed to put a course towards sustainable economic growth and prosperity through private sector engagement. NJHR's mission was the detailed and in-depth examination of the prevailing circumstances, challenges, and opportunities within Baluchistan's PSD context. Our research unfolded the critical aspects essential to driving Private Sector Development.
Scope of the Project
Scope of work includes:
1.The primary work is to develop an overall strategy, underlying framework, and an implementation plan with a detailed roadmap, including regulatory aspects, as required, for the Private Sector Development. The Consultant Firm will prepare and submit a detailed study in this regard broadly covering, but not limited to, the following essential components:
2. Discrepancy between provincial investment policies and laws. If not available, then the Consultant is expected to devise such regulations. This should also cover dispute settlement and other connected areas;
3. Current regulations and its analysis, with recommendations for Improvement;
4. Building specific sets of doing Business indicators localized to the provincial level, such as starting a business, dealing with construction permits, etc.;
5. Current situational analysis and challenges related to PSD in Balochistan; ·
6. PSD Strategy for robust, sustainable, and shared growth with the private sector's participation in Baluchistan's context;
7. Develop the regulatory framework for the government for new border markets
8. Strategy to use PSD as a poverty reduction tool. Identify interventions as to how the Government can encourage PSD in backward and lagging regions;
9. Strategy should define the financial, technical, and other incentives that can benefit the private sector, including tax;
10. challenges and realities and problems for the private sector, including entrepreneurship, to thrive;
11. Strategize development through the private sector, identifying sectoral development opportunities;
12. Structural working with the private sector to promote sustainable development and its productive role in the sustainable prosperity of the province, including 'Sustainable Development Goal' parameters;
13. Working with Government and international agencies to promote inclusive private sector market development;
14.Addressing market failures and inefficiencies in the Balochistan context;
15.Direct and indirect Interventions suggested for PSD in Balochistan;
16.Political economy of private sector development;
17.Global and regional trends impacting PSD in Baluchistan's context;
18. Technology and innovation role in PSD and required policy to attract PSD in this sector;
19. Availability of financing and credits as a critical factor for PSD with a comprehensive strategy outlining financial assistance and interventions to boost PSD;
20. FDI potential for PSD in Balochistan;
21. Donor mapping for assistance to strengthen PSD strategy and its implementation in Balochistan;
22 . Improvement of accessibility, healthy competition, and engaging private sector companies for the development of the private sector;
23. A detailed framework for the development of PSD in Balochistan, aligned implementation plan along with a clear roadmap to achieve the desired results;
Task Performed
Main Task Performed:
1. Developed an overall strategy, underlying framework, and an implementation plan with a detailed roadmap, including regulatory aspects, as required, for the Private Sector Development.
2. Prepared and submitted a detailed study in this regard broadly covering the following essential components:
3. Identifying the discrepancy between provincial investment policies and laws;
4. Conducted analysis of the current regulations and provided recommendations for improvement;
5. Developed specific sets of doing Business indicators localized to the provincial level, such as starting a business, dealing with construction permits, etc.;
6. Conducted current situational analysis and challenges related to PSD in Balochistan;
7.Developed PSD Strategy for robust, sustainable, and shared growth with the private sector's participation in Baluchistan's context;
8. Made sure that the Strategy should define the financial, technical, and other incentives that can benefit the private sector, including tax;
9. Analyzed challenges, realities, and problems for the private sector, including entrepreneurship, to thrive;
10. Strategize development through the private sector, identifying sectoral development opportunities;
11. Identified both hard and soft strategic business enablers as well as operational enablers for the province;
12.Structural working with the private sector to promote sustainable development and its productive role in the sustainable prosperity of the province, including 'Sustainable Development Goal' parameters;
13.Working with Government and international agencies to promote inclusive private sector market development;
14.Suggested direct and indirect Interventions for PSD in Balochistan;
15.Political economy of private sector development
16.Analyzed the technology and innovation role in PSD and required policy to attract PSD in this sector;
17. Assessed the availability of financing and credits as a critical factor for PSD with a comprehensive strategy outlining financial assistance and interventions to boost PSD;
18. Assessed FDI potential for PSD in Balochistan;
19.Donor mapping for assistance to strengthen PSD strategy and its implementation in Balochistan;
20. Ensured the Improvement of accessibility, healthy competition, and engaging private sector companies for the development of the private sector;
21. Established a detailed framework for the development of PSD in Balochistan, aligned implementation plan along with a clear roadmap to achieve the desired results;
22. Assessed the availability of financing and credits as a critical factor for PSD with a comprehensive strategy outlining financial assistance and interventions to boost PSD;
Geographical Spread