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World Bank Planning & Development Department, (P&D Department) Balochistan Livelihood Entrepreneurship Project, (BLEP) Government of Balochistan
3rd Party Project Evaluation & Feasibility Study of Project Titled Upgradation of Machinery Pool with Latest Machines Including Excavators, Wire Saws, Drills etc. In Risalpur Marble and Granite Sector forNational Strategic Programme for Acquisition of Industrial Technology (NSPAIT)
Conducted a comprehensive initiative aimed at elevating the Marble & Granite Sector’s performance and prospects. This involved an in-depth evaluation of the sector’s existing state, followed by strategic interventions designed to improve its technical, financial, and economic viability.
Scope of work includes:
Main Task Performed:
· Reviewed existing program design to establish technical, financial, and economic viability/potential of the proposed intervention for the Marble and granite Sector
· Studied the existing value chain of the Marble and granite Industry from extraction to end consumer, including associated industries, Imports and exports, stakeholders involved, extraction techniques, processing involved, essential products, market segmentation, etc., due to which the Marble and granite sector is potentially active
· Conducted Key Informants Interviews
· Conducted meetings/seminars/workshops with relevant stakeholders of the Marble and granite Sector and its sub-sectors to examine the current technological issues of existing industries in terms of the proposed interventions
· Conducted Key Informants Interviews
· Validated the proposed technologies of excavators, wire saws, drills, Ground Penetration Radar System (GPRS), etc. based on their viability for the sector in terms of the following but not limited to;
o Geographic sources of raw material
o Availability and quality of local raw material
o Cutting and processing techniques
o Product Quality
o Final Product cost
o Product Impacts)
o Technology Impacts
o Product Market Position
o Product Pricing Mechanism
o Customer Demand
· Reviewed Programme design considering medium to long terms requirements of identified technologies and validated expected impact of technology up-gradation on the Marble & Granite Sector
· Developed Feasibility Report for proposed technologies of excavators, wire saws, drills, etc. based on findings
· Advised on integrated drivers of Marble & Granite sector success based on product processes, market segments, technologies, infrastructure, human resources, etc.
Suggested specific recommendations for Tax & Policy Reforms and promoting JVs for the betterment of the Marble & Granite Sector
Risalpur, KPK.